King Lear by William Shakespeare - live television adaptation 1953 staged by Peter Brook and starring Orson Welles. Preserved on kinescope, it aired October 18, 1953, as part of the CBS television series Omnibus, hosted by Alistair Cooke. NB: Orson Welles First TV Appearance. Please consider subscribing to our channel for More Insights: HISTORICAL SERIES - 1953 - HD Restored - 4K - audio and video This is an abridged version of the play, this production condensed the play by eliminating the characters of Edgar and Edmund. To compensate for their absence, Peter Brook rewrote the role of Oswald which is expanded to take Edmund's part in the play's climax, and "Poor Tom" is included not as a disguised Edgar but as an actual madman. Directed and adapted by Peter Brook CAST Orson Welles - King Lear Natasha Parry - Cordelia Arnold Moss - Duke of Albany Bramwell Fletcher - Earl of Kent David J. Stewart - Oswald Margaret Phillips - Regan Beatrice Straight - Goneril Alan Badel - Fool Micheál Mac Liammóir - Poor Tom Frederick Worlock - Earl of Gloucester Scott Forbes - Duke of Cornwall Wesley Addy - King of France Fred Sadoff - Duke of Burgundy
Lear and Cordelia
Lear and Cordelia 2