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ENGL 1012: Interpretation: Logging In Remotely

Instructions for Logging in Remotely

1. To begin looking for sources for your research paper, such as peer reviewed journal articles, start at the Brooklyn College Library’s website.

2. To get to the Library’s website, you can Google “brooklyn college library” or use the URL:

3. For off-campus access to the Library’s resources, click on the “Login from off-campus” link (with a red lock icon) located on the left-hand side of the Library’s website:


4. Log in with your CUNYFirst credentials.

    Note: It’s the same information you use to log in to CUNYFirst and Blackboard. 


If you cannot log in, here are some troubleshooting tips: 

Your Error: The username or password you entered was incorrect.

First, double-check that there are no typos and try re-entering your credentials ensuring that you included the handle after your username. You can also click here and see if you can log in at Blackboard (opens in a new window).

  1. If your information is all correct and you are able to access CUNY services (Blackboard, CUNYfirst, etc.), you can re-enter your CUNY Login password at to sync it across all services.
  2. If you are not able to authenticate through the library OR any other CUNY service (Blackboard, CUNYfirst, etc.), reset your CUNY Login password at