7. oneSEARCH is the primary search tool to look for books and articles in the Library’s collections.
Go to the big search box on the Library’s website. This is oneSEARCH - the main search engine for the Library’s collections. It searches print books, e-books, e-book chapters and many (but not all) of our article databases at the same.
While oneSEARCH understands natural language searches, it is good to get into the habit of setting up your searches in terms of key words and phrases, and linking them together using AND.
Sample searches: “motherless brooklyn”
disability AND literature
“Tourette syndrome” AND creativity
“toni Morrison” AND beloved
ta nehisi coates
“mildred pierce”
“film noir” AND (women or gender)
Tips for searches: Don’t use full sentences or questions
Break your topic down into keywords and phrases
Link keywords or key phrases together with AND
Use OR for synonyms or alternate terms
Use quotes to search for an exact phrase
Sample results from oneSEARCH:
The first result is an ebook, the second result is an ebook chapter, and the third is an article in a scholarly (peer reviewed) journals. Note the PEER REVIEWED tag beneath the third citation. Click on the “Full text available” link to get access to the full-text of the source.
To limit your search to ONLY peer reviewed articles in OneSEARCH, click on the “Peer Reviewed Journals” filter on the left-hand side of your search results. To limit your search to ONLY online sources (not print), click on the “Full Text Online” filter.
Now that you’ve found some sources using oneSEARCH, let’s go into some article databases. The Brooklyn College Library subscribes to over 400 different article databases and although oneSEARCH searches a lot of them at the same time, it doesn’t search all of them.