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*Brooklyn College Created Open Education Resources (OER): Philosophy

Brooklyn College Library Digital Initiatives OER sites

Brooklyn College Philosophy OER

Studying philosophy will teach you to think clearly and critically, and to communicate complex ideas effectively both orally and in writing. Philosophy will prepare you for a wide range of careers, earn more than any other humanities major, transform you into an engaged and responsible citizen.

Below are Philosophy Open Educational Resources (OER) / Zero Textbook Cost courses created by Brooklyn College.  

  • OERs are organized by Course Number
  • Click on homepage image to go to course site

PHIL 2101 (Lurz)

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Course: PHIL 2101
Title: Intro to Problems of Philosophy
Professor: Lurz
Platform: LibGuides

PHIL 2101H (Shottenkirk)

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Course: PHIL 2101H
Title: Intro to the Problems of Philosophy
Professor:  Dr. Dena Shottenkirk
Platform: LibGuides

PHIL 2101 (Campos)

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Course: PHIL 2101
Title: Intro to the Problems of Philosophy
Professor: Daniel Campos
Platform: Blackboard

PHIL 2101 (Dunn and Kang)

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Course: PHIL 2101
Title: Introduction to Philosophy
Professors: Dunn and Kang
Platform: LibGuides

PHIL 2101 (Shottenkirk)

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Course: PHIL 2101
Title: Intro to the Problems of Philosophy
Professor:  Dr. Shottenkirk
Platform: LibGuides

PHIL 3105 (Campos)

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Course: PHIL 3105
Title: Landmarks in History of Philosophy
Professor: Campos
Platform: WordPress (ac)

PHIL 3121 (Campos)

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Course: PHIL 2101
Title: Modern Philosophy
Professor: Daniel Campos
Platform: WordPress (as)

PHIL 3123 (Campos)

Course: PHIL 3123
Title: Twentieth Century Philosophy
Professor: D. Campos
Platform: Wordpress (ac)

PHIL 3130 (Campos)

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Course: PHIL 3130
Title: American Philosophy
Professor: Daniel Campos
Platform: WordPress (ac)

PHIL 3203 (Moore)

Course: PHIL 3203
Title: Introductory Formal Logic
Instructor: Matthew Moore
Platform: LibGuides

PHIL 3314 (Gluzman)

Course: PHIL 3314
Title: Moral Issues in Business
Instructor: Mariya Gluzman
Platform: Blackboard

PHIL 3410 (Lurz)

Course: PHIL 3410
Title: Epistemology
Instructor: Robert Lurz
Platform: Libguides

PHIL 3729/JUST/CLAS/RELG 3022 (Brodsky)

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Course: JUST/CLAS/RELG3022/PHIL 3729
Title: Searching for God
Instructor: Brodsky
Platform: LibGuides